
Scheduling in Test Studio works a lot like the Windows scheduling feature

Test Studio's service will let you schedule the test list to be run on remote machines as well.
Follow these steps to create, connect, schedule, and execute:
Create a Scheduling Server - the scheduling server keeps track of what tests to run and sends this data to the execution servers. The testing process becomes almost completely automated.
Create an Execution Server - the Execution Server is an instance of Test Studio Standalone or VS plugin version. An Execution Server is ready to use when you configure it and register it with your Scheduling Server.
Connect a Project to a Scheduling Server - once you've configured your Scheduling Server and successfully registered at least one Execution Server to it, you're ready configure a test project for execution.
Schedule Test List Execution and View Results - once you've connected a project to your Scheduling Server, you can proceed with scheduling a test run and viewing the results upon completion. 
Create a Scheduling Server:
Installing and Using the software:
 1.Before proceeding with running the software, there are a couple things to confirm regarding the computer you will be installing the Scheduling Server software to:The software MUST be run from a Windows Administrator account.UAC (user account control, Windows Vista/7 ONLY!) must be turned OFF completely.Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Express needs to be installed on the Scheduling Server.
If you do not meet the above requirements, the software will not launch or will quit immediately.

2.Click Start > All Programs > Telerik > Test Execution 20XX.X > Configure as Scheduling Server
note:Before Click Scheduling server administration privilege is must  

3.Start Scheduling server

4.If you receive this message, close all open (Standalone and VS plugin) versions of Test Studio out completely (if you ran the Execution Software first you will also have to close it). For the VS plugin version, this means quitting Visual Studio. Once you quit other open instances of our software, the Scheduling Server software can run and you can proceed to the next step

5.You will see the following screen:

6.If this is a local only test (within your intranet), check the box for Integrated Security on the right of the window.
7.Set the Server to the server in question. For our example, we have installed SQLExpress on the machine in question. Our server for the example is .\SQLEXPRESS, and we want to create a database on the server named WEBUITS. 
NOTE: If you are not using the integrated security, you will have to enter your username/password data for the SQL server.
8.Click Create Database. You will eventually see a message that states "The database is created!" Click OK on the message when you get it.

9.The Import/Export buttons at the bottom of the screen are usualy used when upgrading from a previous version of Test Studio. If your previous installation didn't use the default installation folder You will need to manually import the previous configuration in order to continue using it.
10.The next page contains the settings for the Service URL, email settings, and as well the ability to register the machine: 

11.Click on Register the local machine
12..Leave the output path at the default and click the Register button 

13.You should receive the following message:

14.Click OK on this message
15.Next, check the box for Configure Email (SMTP) Server. These are the settings that allow you to send the confirmation emails out to yourself that give progress reports on the results of the tests you have run.
16.Enter in the information for your SMTP server settings in the fields below the checkbox: 

17.Click Connect, then OK on the Connection Established message that comes up as a caveat
19.The Connect button should now be replaced with a Done button. Click Done.
After you click Done, the Telerik Test Studio Execution Server application will open. Do not close this application as it is required to be open for your tests to execute. If you want to, you can minimize it (it will go to the system tray). And that is it, you have your Scheduling Server now setup

Create an Execution Server
The Execution Server is an instance of Test Studio Standalone or VS plugin version. An Execution Server is ready to use when you configure it and register it with your Scheduling Server. Because of this, you cannot configure an Execution Server without a successfully configured Scheduling Server first.
You can also review our Telerik TV episode on Establishing an Execution Server for a video walk-through of this process.Many executions can connect to the same Scheduling Server (SS) – the architecture is based on the master-slave model. 

Multiple Execution Servers (ES) allow you to execute multiple test lists simultaneously.
Both virtual and physical machines can be Execution Servers. You can also configure the same machine to be both a Scheduling and Execution Server. Differences in operating systems between the machines running the SS and the ES are allowed. However, make sure there are no version differences – every ES must be running the same version of Test Studio as the SS.A few things to consider when choosing an ES machine:You must be logged on with an Administrator account at all times – you can disconnect from the ES but not log offEnsure the location of your test project is accessible from the ESEnsure your SS and ES are in the same domainConfigure your Execution Server.After successfully installing Test Studio, the Execution Server application will become available. You can run it from:
Start Menu->Programs->Telerik->Test Execution 20##.#->Configure As Execution Server

Click on “Register” which will open a new Dialog

Connect a Project to a Scheduling Server
Once you've configured your Scheduling Server and you've successfully registered at least one Execution Server to it, you're ready configure a test project for execution.
You can also review our Telerik TV episode on Connecting a Project to a Scheduling Server for a video walk-through of this process.
From Test Studio Standalone version, create a new Test Project and add at least one TestList.
All functionality related to scheduling will be unavailable at this point. You need to connect your Test Project to a Scheduling Server. Keep in mind that the Scheduling Server doesn’t have to be on the same machine as the instance of Test Studio you’re working with.
From the Project tab click on the Connect button:

From this menu you can connect your project to a Scheduling Server. Keep in mind that a Scheduling Server comes with the Execution Servers attached to it. When you schedule testlists from this project – they will run on those Execution Servers (you get to pick what testlist runs on which server). Your local machine can also be configured as an Execution Server.
Fill out the hostname and port of the Scheduling Server you’d like to use. The service URL will be automatically generated for you. You can still change it manually if you like.
Now click on “Test Connection” to establish a connection with the Scheduling Server. This should result in a pop-up informing you that the connection was successful. If it’s not successful you might need to check whether your Scheduling server is working correctly.
The last field is the “Project source location.” An Execution Server assigned to this project will access this location in order to use the required testlists. By default this is set to the current location of your test project opened in Test Studio on the local machine. If you plan on using remote Execution Servers (i.e. not located on this particular machine) you will need to change it to a network share. A network share will look like this:
\\stoichev\mySharedLocation\Test Studio Projects\TestProject5
Where stoichev is the hostname of the machine and mySharedLocation is a shared folder accessible from your network.

Schedule Test List Execution and View Results
Once you've correctly configured a Scheduling Server and you've attached at least one Execution Server to it, you can proceed with scheduling a test run.
You can also review our Telerik TV episode on Scheduling Execution and Viewing Results for a video walk-through of this process.
Open the Test List tab in Test Studio. 

If you have not created a TestList you can do it now. To add a new TestList, click the List button and follow the wizard.
Once you have a TestList you can schedule it. Click on the Schedule TestList button. The Scheduling Wizard comes up:
1. Select TestList.

2. Select Time.
First you need to pick the desired time for this test run. By default this is set to 5 minutes after current system time. You can also configure this TestList to execute recurrently.
Keep in mind that slight time differences are to be expected between the time you've picked and actual execution time. Please check out this article on the subject.
3. Select Machine(s).
This step lets you pick the Execution Server on which you would like to run the TestList. If the list is empty then you need to add at least one Execution Server (see “Configure an Execution Server”). Picking multiple Servers will result in the TestList executing simultaneously on all selected machines.
*Keep in mind that multiple TestLists can’t execute on the same machine simultaneously and there’s also no queuing for pending executions (yet). If two TestLists try to run on the same machine, one will execute successfully while the other will return a "Server busy" status and won’t execute. This can get a bit tricky; Because of the implemented architecture some TestLists scheduled close together will start executing simultaneously. To avoid this you shouldn't schedule TestLists too close together on the same machine.
4. Select Notification.
This steps lets you configure the e-mail notification you will receive on execution. If you don’t want any notification leave "Notify me" unchecked. If you check it you have to select one of the three options and also state at least one recipient e-mail address.
*Note: Notifications are sent locally from each Execution Server. This means that the Server needs the necessary permissions to use the SMTP server with credentials as configured in the Scheduling Server's configuration.
Once you close the Scheduling Wizard, the scheduled run should appear in the "Results" menu. It should be yellow indicating it's waiting to be executed. After execution, click the "Reload From Server" icon in the Scheduling ribbon. The scheduled run will change to either green (if it passes) or red (if it fails). Double click on it to see the 


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